
Number 1 Hospital

in Manjeri


CT & Ambulance Facility



When Can I Drive After Orthopaedic Surgery?

When Can I Drive After Orthopaedic Surgery?

One of the biggest fears of patients undergoing joint replacement surgery is not being able to do everything they are used to doing for themselves – at least initially. Although this fear is normal, in some cases the potential loss of independence is more difficult to face than the surgery itself. For example, the thought of not being able to drive would understandably be a difficult pill to swallow. One of the biggest fears of patients undergoing joint replacement surgery is not being able to do everything they are used to doing for themselves – at least initially. Although this fear is normal, in some cases the potential loss of independence is more difficult to face than the surgery itself. For example, the thought of not being able to drive would understandably be a difficult pill to swallow.